game scedule and informations Alps Open 7

All other Information you find in the menu. Game Scedule for the final day: Playoff, hall NMS Hötting West: Sunday, 08th of September 2 x 15 minutes, 2 minutes break, 8 minutes warm up in the field, sum playing time per team on sunday: 60min, 2 games, final game: last 2 minutes of the second half netto time, everything else brutto except of longer breaks game 1: referees: Ales Krzič (SLO), Andreas Gassner (AUT) LPO1: lower playoff 1 08:30 LINZ vs SWISS X:X game 2: referees: Ales Krzič (SLO), Andreas Gassner (AUT) 5,6: games around place 6,5 09:10 HSI vs Ingolstadt X:X game 3: referees: Roland De Conno, Roberto Calegari (ITA) HF1: upper Playoff UPO1 09:50 Playmakers vs Stern München ...